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Cargill Animal Nutrition – Innovative Pork Solutions

We know what it means to do this every day.

And we promise you won't have to do it alone. We're ready to put in the time it takes to understand your challenges and ask the hard questions. To step onto your pork operation and prove ourselves every day through our nutrition, health, and business solutions. Because this is right where we belong.

Research Driven Results

Health and Nutrition Solutions

Insights, Services and Products to Support Your Operation

Cargill wants to help you build your best pork system. We integrate nutrition expertise and industry-leading technology with hands-on guidance to help you achieve your production and business goals.


Research Driven Solutions


For greater gut health. Make the weaning period less challenging.

Provisoy™ is a soy protein specialty ingredient that uses multiple modes of action to help piglets efficiently digest protein, enabling optimal gut health, improved stool quality, efficient and uniform growth, and more profit potential. Have peace of mind knowing your pig’s gut health is setting them up for better health and performance beyond the nursery.

Learn More about Provisoy

Producer Profitability

Learn about the six modules that make up Cargill’s Producer Profitability Tool and how they can help you build a better pork system.

Learn More


Let's solve challenges together.
Get in touch with a Cargill Swine Consultant today.

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